DSL Supplements - Do your best, Stay strong, Live healthier

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You will be able to learn more about how to build muscle, burn fat, increase strength, and achieve your health and fitness goals. We decided to create this blog in order to share with you interesting articles about our experience and our professional knowledge of the industry.

BIO GREENS The ultimate heal-all …

Is BIO GREENS a panacea?  May be… More so, if this remarkable food supplement is well integrated in the fitness life style-triangle: A variety of fresh food, 4 to 5 weekly training periods, 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep.  Regardless, even with a healthy mind-set, who among us can boast to be unaffected by modern-life stressors?  Namely, oxidative stress, lack of sleep, reduction of spermatozoids, night-time light pollution, large intake of stimulants etc.  The 5 to 10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables recommended by the public health organism around the world to prevent cancer, cardio-vascular disease, dementia etc…...

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A signal. A simple signal sent to the brain to stimulate the MTOR anabolic process and activate later on the P7OS6 Kinase protein, which one is considered essential to muscular hypertrophy.   That’s how the story of BCAAs begins.  Of all the amino acids present in protein, the most remarkable are leucine, isoleucine and valine (BCAAs).   Read more…   As a matter of fact, those 3 essential amino acids account for about 18% of muscle tissues and directly impact protein metabolism in two different ways.   Firstly, by boosting amino acids synthesis (anabolism) and secondly, by reducing the degradation...

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An integral part of the body’s metabolism, a vitamin (vita is latin for life) is an organic molecule found only in food – the body can’t synthesize it.   On one side we have liposolubles vitamins (A,E,D), meaning soluble in fat, that our body can stock plentifully, i.e. the human liver contains about 500,000 I.U. of vitamin A (retinol)!    However, vitamin C, B1, B2, B6 are known as hydrosoluble. Which means soluble in water, and that the body can metabolize them rather quickly.   Usually, a good multivitamin formula will also include minerals that the body needs for essential...

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DSL - Carb Motion

About fifteen years ago, carb-phobia invaded the collective mind of the American people, not unlike what’s going on with gluten today.    Professional bodybuilders and their gurus were at the forefront of the anti-carbs movement, accusing carbs of all kind of evils.  There was even a U.S. book, published by a "doctor", alleging that regular intake of carbs could cannibalize the human brain… Astonishing!!!  Let see what science says.     Read more…   Recently, anthropologists found a bowl – in a Spanish cave- in which grains had been crushed… a 100,000 years ago!  The take home message, your (our)...

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What is L-Glutamine? - Ajinomoto

A product that generates several benefits, this important amino acid (60% of all aminos in blood circulation) doesn’t do anything drastic but works rather smoothly in the body at many levels.   The usage of glutamine in the Fitness market comes from its medical application (severe burns, dehydration, extreme catabolism etc…).   More often than not, we find glutamine in its original L- form (the letter L being a statement of its natural source) in meat, eggs, dairy products, spinach and also in nutritional supplements.     Read more…   Known as a circumstantial amino acid, glutamine exerts its anti-catabolic...

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Whey: Concentrate or Isolate?

What’s the difference between whey protein concentrate and whey isolate?  This legitimate question is invariably followed with a second question: "But which one is the best?"   Let’s see what it’s all about.  Firstly, whey is not "a" protein but a group of proteins put together according to their solubility and the method of extraction (whey isolate, whey hydrolysate, whey concentrate).  Whey is produced by putting a coagulant in milk; the part that coagulates is cheese, and the one that doesn’t is the whey or more precisely the fractions of whey.     Read more…   Whey concentrate:  Whey concentrate...

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Some details about our Gladiator

What, another Pre-Workout?   No, not just another Pre-Workout.  DSL Gladiator performs as a niche product in the supplements’ market.  A lot of people train late at night, or they belong to a group that is overly sensitive to stimulants.  And, let’s not forget that the half-life of a natural stimulant is roughly 5 hours.   For example, if you take 400mg of caffeine around 5:00 p.m. you would still have 200mg floating in your blood at 10:00 p.m.!  So, your chances of falling asleep by 10:30 would be as good as winning the jackpot and receiving the Order of...

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Creatine - The King of supplements!

Nobody could have foreseen such a blockbuster… In 1992 creatine hit the North American market with a record-breaking price of 150$ for a 500gr tub!  Buyers didn’t go for it.  But after a smart marketing ploy, some trainees ventured to test the new kid on the block.  Soon after, rumours could be heard in just about every gym around the country:  «I gained 4 pounds in 1 week» said one trainee.  «My bench went up by 20%» bragged another guy.             In no time the sales exploded exponentially.  The throne was empty.  The King of supplements took it. A cult...

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